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What’s the most OVERLOOKED super power that EVERYONE has access to?

Many of us can remember (many) times where we have been guided towards something, someone, somewhere without any logical reasoning.

It’s like an inner nudge; a deeper knowing; AND, many of us (including Aaron & I) have had times where we’ve ignored our inner voice, only to be left with the regret of “coulda-shoulda-woulda”... if only we’d just trusted and listened to what we really knew…Whilst we may not all be at the 100%-psychic-reading clairvoyant,

ALL of us experience a degree of intuition. AND, the really good news is that like anything, it’s a skill we can grow.

So how do we develop it?

Well, we can start by recognising the ways we are already experiencing it. You see intuition works very similar to gratitude in that the more we appreciate all that we already have, what we have appreciates.Our intuition is the same. We are all already intuiting so much during our day, the key is to expand our awareness of all that we already innately know.

According to the ancient practice and philosophy of Ayurveda, we have 5 layers (koshas) that are layered within one another. Intuition appears differently depending on where within the “bodies”/layers it shows up.

Our physical body (annamayakosha) is the most dense layer, and is what we in the west most often associate being ‘us’, but as these layers become more subtle, more refined, we eventually connect to our deeper bliss body & our soul.

I’ll share more wisdom around the power and importance of enhancing awareness of our koshas/layers in another post. For now, it's important to name that whilst the bodily/somatic intuition is very real (& a central focus of the non-linear movement I teach in women’s circles), the focus of this post is on our more subtle intuition; & how it shows up differently through the different energetic centers/our chakras. For example, base/root chakra intuition may guide us to the perfect parking spot;

Sacral chakra intuition often spins relationally (e.g. receiving a call from your parent just as you’re thinking of them, saying the exact same thing at the same time with your partner/bestie “jinx!”

Solar plexus (our power center) may express when we’re feeling in flow in our work or a challenging situation where we somehow find the exact right words or resolution.

Lower chakra intuition is great.

Super handy, helpful & often just what we need.

But when we find ourselves facing an area of our life where we have uncertainty, the mental body can take over what we ‘think’ we’re sensing, get caught on our unconscious attachments of how we think things should be, & lead us away from our deeper guidance.

This is where the higher chakras intuition comes in; where insights and wisdom come from a ‘higher’ source. It’s most often experienced with a profound connection to something greater than oneself, as if a door has opened, and where a decision we have been agonising over for weeks (sometimes years!) is simply ‘downloaded’, seen, known or spoken.

Higher chakra intuition is also epic.

Let’s face it, any time we’re tapping in to our deeper wisdom body rocks!

AND, in our experience, it’s the central chakra, the heart wisdom where everything really aligns and we are held by a power, wisdom & guidance greater than anything.

The heart tends to guide us with gentle whispers.

Yet, just because the heart shares gentle whispers, doesn’t mean that the hearts guidance is ‘soft’ or easy.Did you know the etymology of the word “Courage” can be traced back to the Latin word “cor” meaning “heart.”

That’s right, the heart's guidance is bound to require some degree of courage to follow, usually it doesn’t make sense to the mind, or it may require us to confront our fears.

None-the-less, the path of the Heart is one only the brave truly embark upon.

There are many intuition practices we can do to help us develop this skill; meditation, journaling, visualisation & mindfulness all help. 

AND, the key above any technique is to create s p a c e in our daily life,

Reduce the amount of unnecessary noise and external ‘content’,

& make a conscious choice, sacred request to expand our intuitive receptivity.

And whilst we can’t all be taking hours out of our life each week to sit in deep contemplation, many of us can take regular 5-30 minute pauses through the week.

And, if you really can’t get 5 minutes, then 1 minute every morning & night really can work wonders.

AND, believe it or not,

Even when 1 minute feels impossible, 10 seconds; 3 deep breaths can be enough to drop one back in.

It really can be as simple as that. Once you start tapping in, you're intuition will gently and surely light up a little more with each day. And before you know it,

You'll actually prioritise those little windows of expansion time, not because you 'should', but because it just feels, so, darn good.

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